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2020: a prideful year for Caritas Luxembourg

Monday 5 July 2021

The year 2020 was a very difficult year for Caritas Luxembourg. The sanitary crisis and its economic consequences have deeply affected the vulnerable people that Caritas Luxembourg accompanies through its different aid services.

At the same time, 2020 was also a year of great achievements. Caritas Luxembourg was able to react quickly to the Coronavirus emergency and find solutions that finally prevented the worst.

Among the most striking achievements were the setting up of a helpline to help people who could no longer make ends meet because of the confinement, the opening of two day shelters to welcome the children of the healthcare staff in the period of strict confinement, the launch of a street health and care project to help homeless people to take care of themselves, the distribution of tablets to isolated people so that they can stay in touch with their loved ones, and to families and young people so that they can continue to attend school. It is also worth noting the welcoming of twelve unaccompanied minors from Greek refugee camps in the midst of lockdown. Luxembourg was the first country to do so and to set an example. Caritas Luxembourg is proud to have contributed to this great initiative.

At the level of international cooperation too, Caritas Luxembourg has redoubled its efforts. Caritas Luxembourg helped people to protect themselves against the coronavirus by providing disinfection equipment and organising information campaigns. At the same time, the various development projects were pursued, because we must not give up now and leave the populations alone.

These are only some of the 2020 achievements. Caritas Luxembourg invites you to discover them all in its 2020 annual report.

Caritas Luxembourg was only able to do all of this thanks to the great wave of solidarity that took place as soon as the lockdown was announced. Caritas Luxembourg received many donations in 2020 and would like to thank all its donors for their generosity. Without them, it would not have been possible to achieve all that has been done. Caritas Luxembourg would also like to thank its financial partners for their support, as well as its staff and volunteers who have bent over backwards and shown a lot of inventiveness so that help can still be given at all costs and that the people Caritas Luxembourg accompanies are not left alone in these particularly difficult times.

Thank you!

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