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Caritas Corona-Helpline: 300 cases already open!

Monday 11 May 2020

One month after the introduction of the Caritas Corona-Helpline, it is clear that the fears of Caritas Luxembourg have proved to be right. Within a few weeks, Caritas Luxembourg received more than 300 requests for help from people who could no longer make ends meet because of the Coronavirus crisis.

Who are the people who contact the helpline?

Most of the people who have contacted the Helpline are people who until now did not need to rely on social assistance because they managed to survive thanks to the accumulation of small jobs, temporary missions, tips on top of their small salary, etc. Most people are turning to charity for the first time in their lives. The vast majority still manage to pay the rent and the bills, but then have nothing left to buy food. Some find themselves in more dramatic situations, not even being able to pay their rent or bills. Still others are in an irregular situation and have no resources at all. While all sectors are affected, the construction, restoration and temporary work sectors are particularly represented among the people who contacted Caritas Luxembourg for emergency aid.

What help do people receive?

Caritas Luxembourg provides them, in collaboration with the social office of their municipality, with emergency financial assistance to pay their rent or a bill, gives them access to social grocery stores to do their grocery shopping, distributes vouchers to those with specific needs, refers people with housing difficulties to its housing service and other competent services, tries to regularize the situation of undocumented migrants, etc.

What can we expect for the future?

Unfortunately, Caritas Luxembourg expects that even more people will contact it for help.

"Many people had some small savings set aside for the unexpected. When these are exhausted, and unfortunately this will not be long in coming, these people will need support. "says Marie-Josée Jacobs, President of Caritas Luxembourg. "Moreover, many people will only be affected in a few weeks or months, when the companies they work for will no longer be able to keep them. »

How do I contact the Corona-Helpline?

The Corona-Helpline can be contacted via e-mail or by telephone 40 21 31 - 999. Help is provided in 10 languages.

Caritas Luxembourg would like to thank all donors without whom this emergency aid action would not be possible.


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