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personnes en précarité; sans-abri; archevêque; spiritualité; journée mondiale des pauvres

Luxembourg Archbishop ‎Jean-Claude Hollerich Meets with those in Need on World Day of the Poor

Tuesday 27 November 2018

On the occasion of World Day of the Poor, the Archbishop of Luxembourg, Jean-Claude Hollerich, welcomed Caritas and people living in precariousness to a meeting at the episcopal house last Saturday.

Indeed, Pope Francis invited the Church to meet with the poor as part of this year's World Day of the Poor. It was in this context then that Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich met with people living in precarious conditions, accompanied by Caritas Luxembourg.

People had the opportunity to talk about their situation, their life, the problems they face, the support they are offered and their dreams. Some of them proudly presented the CD "Mär sinn aarme Sai" which they produced as part of the creative workshop Creamisu. This allows people living in precariousness to express themselves through music, painting and composition, among other things. The various songs of the CD all express the hope of a better life.

They also had the opportunity to talk about the sports activities offered by Caritas Luxembourg as part of its Rebuilding project, led by Georges Christen, and Streetfootball. These activities allow them not only to develop their physical skills, but also and especially their mind and to regain their self-esteem.

During the moment of recollection at the chapel in memory of the late Caritas Luxembourg volunteer Luca Gregorio, the Archbishop spoke of the Man's dignity and highlighted that all human life is sacred from conception until death. The Archbishop encouraged the guests to remain hopeful and move towards a better life.

After a meal together, the guests left the episcopal house with the promise to meet again. The afternoon ended at the cinema with a screening of the film Superjhemp.

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