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Bangladesh: Childcare equipment

Every year 400,000 people arrive from rural areas to Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Most of these people are very poor women looking for work opportunities in the textile industry.

In order to work, they often leave their pre-school children alone during the day. Childcare facilities are therefore essential. Caritas Luxembourg supports the establishment of crèches for the children of textile workers, from birth to 5 years old.

Everything you need for the Childcare

To date, 10 crèches for 200 children have been set up, with the participation of the local community. Qualified and trained early childhood education staff - recruited from the local community - accompany and support the babies and young children in their daily activities. In this way, the educators provide the children with security and a safe and stable foundation for their development and learning. Unemployed women are also encouraged to set up their own home-based crèche, thus guaranteeing them an income and providing childcare opportunities for other mothers.

By giving this gift, you are providing a crèche with the necessary childcare equipment.

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