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WEBINAR Textile production and consumption patterns: EU's strategy & Ghana

On 14 May at 13:00 to 14:30

The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, especially when considering the entire life cycle of garments. Whilst many are familiar with the social and environmental implications throughout the value chain, it’s less common to address what happens to garments when they’re not used, such as unsold, returned, or donated garments.

The webinar will contextualise the current state of end-of-life and post-consumer textiles in Europe and how they are currently being handled. Lars Mortenson, from the European Environmental Agency (EEA), will then present EU-level policy recommendations to improve the management of discarded garments in Europe and reduce the dependency to send EU’s unwanted garments in Asia and Africa.

Afterward, Yayra Agbofah from The Revival, a Ghanaian NGO tackling textile waste, will describe and explain how Ghana is drowning under textile waste from Western countries. The Revival acts both on a local level to support the local communities, as well as on international scale to raise-awareness on the reality of discarded garments and advocate for better policies and regulations to protect Ghana. 


For more information & registration: WEBINAR - Textile production and consumption patterns | The Change Starts Wi (

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