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Octoberdays for Sustainable Development

On 16 October to the 17 October

Caritas Luxembourg has the pleasure to invite you to the 5th edition of the October Days for Sustainable Development" that it organises jointly with the  the European Investment Bank and the University of Luxembourg. The conference will take place at the European Investment Bank (EIB).

When: 17 October 2019 (afternoon) and 18 October 2019 (morning)

Where: EIB Headquarters – 100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer (CA room)

Every year since 2015 (the year of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs), the October Days for Sustainable Development (ODSD) have contributed to the global debate on the SDGs by enhancing dialogue among stakeholders.

The 2019 edition of the ODSD will shed light on innovative initiatives that contribute to achieving SDGs 11 and 12.

The conference will explore pilot and creative best practices emerging in the food, fashion and tourism sectors as specific areas of implementation, from a supply and demand perspective, with panellists from the private and public sectors, academia, the impact investment community, international organisations, the EIB and NGOs, as well as other experts and key actors.

The event is accessible to anyone interested in the topic and free of charge, but registration is mandatory before 14 October.

For more information on the event, please contact:


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