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Moments that strengthen to face life's difficulties

Wednesday 20 November 2019

From 14 to 17 November, a delegation of people living in extreme poverty and exclusion, accompanied by Caritas Luxembourg staff and volunteers, made a pilgrimage to Lourdes.

The Luxembourg delegation joined other delegations of precarious and excluded people from all over Europe. The pilgrimage was part of the World Day of the Poor, instituted by Pope Francis in November 2016. Three years ago, nearly 3500 people in a situation of great precariousness and exclusion, including some 40 from Luxembourg, met the Pope in Rome. Since then, the Fratello meeting has become a fixed event in the calendar of associations such as Caritas Luxembourg.

People in situations of great precariousness and exclusion often have a deep spirituality or are seeking more spirituality. This is why Caritas Luxembourg regularly organises meetings with a spiritual vocation, open to people of all faiths and backgrounds. For Caritas Luxembourg, it is important to allow the people it accompanies in its structures to live moments of spirituality, but also of unique encounter and exchange such as the pilgrimage to Lourdes.

The people who were part of the 2019 Luxembourg delegation will not immediately forget this pilgrimage. This journey will remain engraved in their memory and will strengthen them for the rest of their lives.

[[drupal_media_3677]]A force they will need to face the difficult moments of their lives, such as the one that awaited them on their return when they were informed on the bus of the death of their friend George Edward Nixon (photo opposite), a faithful member of all Fratello events. George Edward Nixon absolutely wanted to accompany them to Lourdes, but was caught up in the disease. Three years ago, when he went with Fratello to see the Pope, George gave a touching testimony of his trip to Rome and his meeting with the Pope:

When I was about to shake his hand, I was very moved, even though I am not particularly a believer. But I realized that it was an important moment in my life.

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