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Who we are

Caritas Luxembourg works to promote the wellbeing of men and women, particularly those who are excluded, helpless or deprived, regardless of their origin, age, nationality, or their philosophical or religious views.

Supporting vulnerable people is our core concern

Our aid work is targeted at single-parent families, children and young people, migrants and refugees, disadvantaged people, homeless people and those with a precarious income or uncertain housing situation, as well as those who are temporarily unable to cope with life.

At the international level, Caritas Luxembourg works side by side with the victims of natural disasters and violent conflicts, supports rebuilding and rehabilitation work and is a partner to its sister organisations in the Southern Hemisphere for development projects. Caritas Luxembourg is one of 162 members of Caritas Internationalis.

Rapports d'activités Rapport annuel 2023

Rapport annuel 2023 de Caritas Luxembourg

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Our values

  • The dignity of the human person
  • The preferential option for the poor
  • The universal destination of goods
  • Solidarity
  • Sustainable development and conservation of the planet.


Our history

On 14 December 1932, a deed establishing the "Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Œuvres Catholiques de Charité" (Luxembourg Federation of Catholic Charitable Works) was signed, bringing together lay charities firmly rooted in Catholic community life in Luxembourg. In the context of the great depression of 1929, the aim was to create synergies in the fight against misery, poverty and exclusion.

Over the years, Caritas has developed its activities for and with children, families, the elderly, migrants, refugees and uprooted people. Its international dimension was reaffirmed after 1949 with the establishment of Caritas Internationalis, of which Caritas Luxembourg was a founder member.

Caritas has made its mark on the history of the social and community sector in Luxembourg. The charitable action of its early years was institutionalised in 1951 when Caritas initiated specialist social services, introduced groundbreaking professional initiatives (such as family aid) and formed autonomous associations within its structure.

Since 2012, the associations Caritas Accueil et Solidarité Asbl Caritas Jeunes et Familles Asbl, Caritas Enfants et Familles Asbl and the Fondation Caritas Luxembourg  have all operated under the name of "Caritas Luxembourg" in a complementary and coordinated way to help vulnerable children, young people and families or anyone at risk of social marginalisation.

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