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Governance & Organisation

Caritas Luxembourg is a group of two associations that share the same values and operate in a complementary and coordinated way: Fondation Caritas Luxembourg and Caritas Accueil et Solidarité.

Fondation Caritas Luxembourg

Executive Board:

  • President: Ms Marie-Josée Jacobs
  • Mr Pit Bouché
  • Mr Patrick de Rond
  • Ms Nathalie Frisch
  • Mr Marc Hengen
  • Mr Raphael Loschetter
  • Ms Marie-Christine Ries
  • Ms Suzette Schannel-Serres
  • Mr Philippe Sylvestre
  • Mr Alphonse Wagner
  • Mr Emile Wirtz

Management TEAM:

  • General Manager: Mr Marc Crochet
  • Chief Operating Officer: Mr Tom Brassel
  • Chief Financial Officer: Ms Stéphanie Friob
  • Human Resources Director: Ms Fatima Nunes

Extended Management TEAM:

  • General Manager: Mr Marc Crochet
  • Chief Operating Officer: Mr Tom Brassel
  • Ms Rachel Braun
  • Mr Michael Feit
  • Ms Claude Forget
  • Ms Stéphanie Friob
  • Mr Marco Hoffmann
  • Ms Fatima Nunes
  • Mr Marc Pauly
  • Ms Nonna Sehovic
  • Ms Lynn Wolff

Articles of association of the Fondation Caritas Luxembourg (French)

Annual Report 2023 of Caritas Luxembourg (in French)

Organizational Chart (on 1/02/2023)

Caritas Accueil et Solidarité Asbl

Executive Board:

  • President: Mr Pit Bouché
  • Mr Georges Christen
  • Mr Patrick de Rond
  • Ms Marie-Josée Jacobs
  • Mr Raphael Loschetter
  • Ms Marie-Christine Ries
  • Ms Suzette Schannel-Serres
  • Mr Alphonse Wagner
  • Mr Emile Wirtz

Management TEAM:

  • General Manager: Mr Marc Crochet
  • Chief Operating Officer: Mr Tom Brassel
  • Chief Financial Officer: Ms Stéphanie Friob
  • Human Resources Director: Ms Fatima Nunes

Extended Management TEAM:

  • General Manager: Mr Marc Crochet
  • Chief Operating Officer: Mr Tom Brassel
  • Ms Rachel Braun
  • Mr Michael Feit
  • Ms Claude Forget
  • Ms Stéphanie Friob
  • Mr Marco Hoffmann
  • Ms Fatima Nunes
  • Mr Marc Pauly
  • Ms Nonna Sehovic
  • Ms Lynn Wolff

Articles of association of Caritas Accueil et Solidairté asbl (French)

Annual Report 2023 of Caritas Luxembourg (in French)

Organizational Chart (on 1/02/2023)

Caritas Luxembourg works closely with Caritas Jeunes & Familles asbl and Caritas Enfants & Familles asbl.

Caritas Jeunes et Familles Asbl

Executive Board:

  • President: Mr Marc Hengen
  • Ms Nathalie Frisch
  • Ms Maggy Hein
  • Ms Gaby Meyer
  • Ms Christiane Schaus
  • Mr Jean-Luc Thill

Management Team:

  • Ms Carina Gonçalves
  • Ms Pascale Schmit
  • Ms Sara Gomes Pinto
  • Ms Daniela Binda

Articles of association of Caritas Jeunes et Familles asbl (French)

Caritas Enfants et Familles Asbl

Executive Board:

  • President: Mr Marc Hengen
  • Ms Nathalie Frisch
  • Ms Maggy Hein
  • Ms Gaby Meyer
  • Ms Christiane Schaus
  • Mr Jean-Luc Thill

Management Team:

  • Ms Carina Gonçalves
  • Ms Pascale Schmit
  • Ms Sara Gomes Pinto
  • Ms Daniela Binda

Articles of association of Caritas Enfants et Familles asbl (French)

A Governing Board chairs the four associations. It is made up of members of the boards of directors of the four associations.

  • President: Ms Marie-Josée Jacobs
  • Ms Nathalie Frisch
  • Mr Marc Hengen
  • Ms Marie-Christine Ries
  • Mr Alphonse Wagner
  • Mr Pit Bouché

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