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A first year that meets expectations

Tuesday 14 January 2020

After one year of existence, the Maison "Le Temps des Femmes" set up by Caritas Luxembourg in Heisdorf to enable refugee and migrant women to come out of their isolation can boast good results.

Inaugurated in January 2019, the Maison "Le Temps des Femmes" welcomes refugee and migrant women for a few hours during the day, without their children and far from their refugee centre, to discuss and exchange among themselves, to do all kinds of activities and, for those who wish, to build a life project in Luxembourg. This house was born out of the observation made by Caritas Luxembourg that refugee and migrant women are a vulnerable group to which special attention must be paid. Many of them have lived through serious traumas, whether during their journey to Europe, because of war, armed conflicts or insecurity. Some of them find themselves alone in a foreign country, left to their fate. Finally, many of them have lost the family and social ties they had and now live in extreme isolation.

After one year of existence, the first assessment that Caritas Luxembourg draws from this initiative is more than positive (figures as of January 14, 2020):

  • 192 women know the Maison "Le Temps des Femmes" and benefit from its help.      
  • 75 women have been able to access essential information they didn't have in the field of law and health.      
  • 57 women participated in cultural activities including knowledge and understanding of the host country.      
  • 28 women were referred for medical care (psychological follow-up, specific care and examinations, gynaecologist).      
  • 16 women had regular interviews to build their life project in Luxembourg.      
  • 12 women were enrolled in language courses.      
  • 9 women found a job following the steps taken with the Maison "Le Temps des Femmes".      
  • 8 women are starting conversation/literacy classes on the premises of the Maison "Le Temps des Femmes" as they are not ready to enrol elsewhere.      
  • 3 women have been accompanied for a voluntary return to their country of origin (Iraq, Bosnia, Guinea).      
  • 2 women were referred for an internship after a short training course.      
  • 2 women were enrolled for a certification training.

These very encouraging results show that there is a real need in Luxembourg for refugee and migrant women to be accompanied in their integration process. The support work carried out at the Maison "Le Temps des Femmes" is adapted to each woman and evolves according to her needs.

These initial results have been achieved thanks to the support of the Soeurs Franciscaines de la Miséricorde, the Soeurs de la Doctrine chrétienne and many other very generous donors. The Maison "Le Temps des Femmes" can also count on the commitment of many volunteers who take turns tirelessly to create a peaceful and positive atmosphere, propose activities, federate the women, reassure them and free them to express themselves. Without the support of all these donors and volunteers, this help would not be possible. Caritas Luxembourg would like to thank them all!

To find out more about the House "Le Temps des Femmes", please contact Tatiana Chambert, tel: 621 187 430,, Facebook: @LeTempsdesFemmes

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