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"This help is a gift from God"

Thursday 10 December 2020

This week, Caritas Luxembourg started distributing food to war-displaced families in South Sudan. 

About 15,000 people or 2,500 families will receive 50 kilos of maize and 10 kilos of beans, their basic food. Oil and salt will be added to the package. The maize distributed was bought locally by the agricultural cooperatives supported by Caritas Luxembourg. The families receiving this aid are families who were displaced during the 2016 war. With their belongings and houses destroyed, they had to take refuge in neighbouring Uganda before returning, little by little, to Southern Sudan, but without anything.

"This aid is a gift from God. It comes just before Christmas and will help me feed my family for a month," says Agnes A, one of the beneficiaries.

 "I really thank Caritas for this providential gift. I hope next year to get my land back and resume farming as I used to do before".

The representative of Caritas Luxembourg in South Sudan was able to participate in the distribution and discuss with the beneficiaries the support they need for the future. About 250 tons of food will be distributed thanks to the help of the Luxembourg government and private donors of Caritas Luxembourg.

"We wish them a Merry Christmas and thank them. Their solidarity touches our hearts deeply".

Apoyo metek - Thank You very much.

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