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EU solidarity around the world

Friday 6 May 2022

The 9th of May is celebrated as Europe Day. We would like to thank the European Commission and the Directorate for International Cooperation of the Luxembourg government for their financial support to our emergency actions.

In Syria, aid continues after 9 years of work in the war zones. A budget of 4 million euros has been spent over the last 12 months in favour of 55,000 people.

In Turkey, aid to refugees, especially newly arrived Ukrainians, is also supported by the European Commission with 1,400,000 euros and by Luxembourg with 180,000 euros, for more than 18,300 people.

The EU and Luxembourg are also pursuing actions to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia, Brazil and Peru, with 3,300,000 euros in 2022, in favour of 46,000 people.

Thanks also to the collaborators on the field, in particular the local partner NGOs, for their commitment.

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