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Free products for the most disadvantaged thanks to Europe

Wednesday 8 May 2024

On Europe Day, Caritas Luxembourg would like to highlight the European Union's contribution to the fight against material deprivation through the ESF+ project. For years, people with access to Caritas Buttek have been entitled to receive certain essential basic products free of charge every month. These products are 100% funded by Europe. They include pasta, milk, tuna, toilet paper and washing powder. This aid enables people in financial difficulty to save on these products and thus increase their purchasing power to buy other food or hygiene products necessary for their daily needs.

Caritas Luxembourg would also like to thank the Ministère de la Famille, des Solidarités, du Vivre ensemble et de l'Accueil, which is providing 100% of the funding for other essential products, including olive oil, rice, sugar, green beans and peas/carrots in jars, washing-up liquid, toothpaste, shower gel and shampoo.

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