Caritas Luxembourg offers educational workshops on the following themes: effects of consumerism, decent work and modern age slavery, agenda 2030, homelessness and poor quality housing, prevention of school dropout, and also on its activities and the different professions within Caritas. Do not hesitate to contact the people in charge of these offers for your educational needs.
Effects of consumerism
GSM facilitates communication in the North, the South and between the two and increasingly dominates our social life. The mobile phone has become much more than a telephone. Through various fun and educational activities, students will be shown the link between production and consumption, as well as the role to play as a responsible consumer in everyday life in Luxembourg through small steps.
Contact : (40 21 31 - 309)
Rethink your Clothes - Raising awareness in secondary schools
An interactive workshop to discover the impact of fashion and the ethical and sustainable solutions to fast-fashion.
The aim of this workshop is to help people understand what goes on behind the production of textiles and to examine the way we consume clothes. It's a subject that particularly affects young people, who are in the process of developing their identity, seeking to express their personality and meet their need to belong to social groups, partly through the clothes they wear. By making it easier to understand the production methods of fast fashion, the ''throwaway'' fashion that accounts for most of the world's current production, students will be encouraged to develop a critical vision of the dichotomy between our modes of (over)consumption and (over)production, and the resulting environmental and social impacts, in the context of a general trend towards changes that help to protect our planet and fundamental human rights. Finally, together we will explore ethical and sustainable alternatives to fast fashion, so that we can become agents of positive change.
Contact : (40 21 31 - 309)
Rethink your Clothes - Upcycling
Handmade upcycling workshop using recycled textiles
A sewing session designed to give students practical skills that they can apply in their everyday lives to develop eco-responsible habits, thereby encouraging them to reduce their environmental and social footprint by consuming less. Upcycling involves using second-hand textiles or clothing to give them a new life and, in some cases, a new function. The sewing is done by hand and teaches the students the first stitches that can also be used for repairs in the future. Depending on needs, the size of the group and the time available, a project will be proposed.
Contact : (40 21 31 - 309)
Rethink your Clothes - Repair Café
Hand repair workshop
A repair session designed to teach students the skills they need to make minor adjustments to a damaged garment (replace a button, repair a hole in a sock, redo a hem, etc.). The skills they learn will help them reduce their environmental and social footprint by consuming less. Each student brings one or more items of clothing to be repaired and will be guided through the repair process.
Contact : (40 21 31 - 309)
Rethink your Clothes - Secondary schools - Long format
Multi-session or tailor-made workshop
A long format, often involving several sessions, enables participants to gain a better understanding of the theme of ethical and sustainable fashion and, above all, to become actors for positive change. This immersion can take the form of interactive presentations, a treasure hunt in Luxembourg city centre, a visit to Lët'z Refashion by Caritas, sewing sessions (repairing or upcycling), meetings with ethical and sustainable fashion designers, film screenings, exhibition visits, and much more... We adapt to your needs and create a unique format for you.
Contact : (40 21 31 - 309)
Rethink your Clothes - Adults and Businesses
Tailor-made workshop for tomorrow's consumers
This workshop focuses on ethical and sustainable solutions that we can put in place as "consom'actors" and "consom'actresses" or as companies. The format and focus can be adapted to your needs. The workshop can be designed to raise awareness of the environmental and social issues facing the textile industry through a presentation, sharing practical advice on clothing consumption (where to buy ethical and sustainable clothes locally, how to take care of clothes, what to do with clothes at the end of their life, etc.), passing on practical skills such as sewing (upcycling or repair sessions) or organising dress sales and swaps.
Contact : (40 21 31 - 309)
Decent work and modern agE slavery
The aim of the workshop is to make young people aware of human trafficking, to familiarise them with the key concepts of (in)decent work, which exists both in the South and in the North, such as the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. This workshop invites them to sharpen their critical thinking through games and debate and supports them in finding solutions to improve the situation.
Contact (40 21 31 - 309)
Agenda 2030
Our world, our dignity, our future (OWODOF)
OWODOF is a participatory workshop of nine NGOs. The theme is Agenda 2030, the global sustainable development plan, change rather than growth. Various activities enable students to understand the global context. A link is established with the world in which the students live, and they learn in a motivating way that they themselves can make a commitment to sustainable development. The project includes both plenary and group activities.
Contact :
Multiplikatorenschulung für Lehrkräfte, pädagogisches und psychosoziales Personal
in Zusammenarbeit mit ZfA2030 & IFEN
Interaktiv lernen wir die Agenda 2030 mit ihren Zielen kennen, die Umsetzung in Luxemburg und praktische Anwendungen für den Unterricht. Wie begegnen wir den Herausforderungen in der Welt der Konfrontation und der Gegensätze? Wie können wir Menschen darauf vorbereiten, diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen? Welche Verantwortung haben wir in einer Welt, in der Armut, Gewalt, Vorurteile und Umweltzerstörung vorherrschen.
prevention of school dropout
In cooperation with various high schools in the city of Luxembourg, a meeting takes place between a school class and homeless people. The aim is to open up the life worlds of the homeless to young adults, to reduce prejudice and to prevent school drop-out. The meetings take place on neutral ground and in the absence of those responsible for the young adults (only during the programme itself) in order to be able to discuss in an open and informal way and to stimulate an honest exchange between the homeless and the target group.
Contact : (621 17 17 55) (691 223 224)
At the request of various primary and high schools in the affected areas of Luxembourg City, the street workers of Caritas Jeunes et Familles present their service. This presentation consists of a short lecture and a quiz. The aim is to explain to the pupils the different missions and limits of street work and its approach, with an emphasis on prevention (drugs, sexuality, important contact points for children and young people).
Contact : (621 17 17 55) (691 223 224)
Homelessness and poor quality housing
This activity is based on a flexible "toolbox" that can be adapted to the needs of the teacher and students. It consists of five parts: information in the form of fact sheets, exercises and interactions to get acquainted with the topic, life stories and teaching materials and also a bibliography.
The "Wierdeg Wunnen" teaching kit is available for classroom use to any teacher or other interested person.
Contact : (40 21 31 - 326)
Activities and functions within Caritas Luxembourg
This presentation proposes to introduce the activities and areas of intervention of Caritas at national and international level, in its fight against precarity in Luxembourg, its presence with children, young people and families, its support to refugees and migrants and its steps in the field of international cooperation.
Contact :
This presentation takes the form of a testimonial from a Caritas Luxembourg employee on the job he or she does on a daily basis: social workers, street workers, psychologists, educators are among the many professions present at Caritas Luxembourg.
Contact :
Your donation is essential to ensure the continuity of Caritas Luxembourg's actions in the service of the poor.
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