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The financial resources of Caritas Luxembourg are derived from both private and public sources.

These sources include private donations, corporate donations, legacies and dedicated funds, parishes, municipalities, state subsidies, framework financing agreements of the Luxembourg Government, European Union funds, the World Food Programme and the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte (the Grand Duchess Charlotte National Assistance Charity).

The Fondation Caritas Luxembourg, recognized as an organisation of public utility, is responsible for collecting donations. In different areas, private donations often open the door to co-funding from the Luxembourg Government and the European Union. Legacies and donations are still essential to ensure that Caritas Luxembourg's activities are sustainable. Some activities are financed primarily through agreements with the State. The funding of innovative projects, which are developed after identifying social needs on the ground, is assured by the collection of private donations.

2023 Figures


Graphique EN montrant les moyens mis en oeuvre par Caritas Luxembourg en 2023

Graphique EN montrant les dons 2023 de Caritas Luxembourg

Download the auditors' Reports:

Auditor's report of the Fondation Caritas Luxembourg as at 31st December 2023 (in French)

Auditor's report of Caritas Accueil et Solidarité as at 31st December 2023 (in French)


Rapports d'activités Rapport annuel 2023

Rapport annuel 2023 de Caritas Luxembourg

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