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Coopération; aide; international; développement

International cooperation

Since the creation of Caritas Internationalis – the international Caritas network with more than 160 members - in 1951, Caritas Luxembourg has considerably developed its international activities.

Today, Caritas Luxembourg's dedicated work across the world involves alleviating the effects of injustice, misery and poverty, and preventing these in the medium and long term.

Projects in about 10 countries

Caritas Luxembourg is active in helping people in need in about 10 countries of the world, regardless of their religion, skin colour, political convictions, gender, race, social status or age. The responses offered always prioritise a sustainable approach, and include urgent humanitarian aid, development cooperation and advocacy in favour of a fairer and more equitable world for everyone.

Caritas Luxembourg is able to help all these disadvantaged people thanks to the assistance of its many local partners who work on its behalf with populations in need. In some countries, Caritas Luxembourg also has representations. This is the case in Laos, South Sudan, Mali, Moldavia and Ukraine.

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