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Caritas Luxembourg Aid reaches its destination

Friday 10 February 2023

Immediately after the earthquake that hit the Turkish-Syrian border region, Caritas Luxembourg released funds to help the victims. Caritas Luxembourg has been present in the region for the past ten years to help people displaced by the war in Syria, but also refugees and migrants arriving in Turkey. This presence in the region allowed it to react quickly with its local partners and to take care of the victims from the morning of the earthquake. Thousands of covers from the stocks of local partners were distributed to people who had no roof over their heads in the freezing weather. Hot food and small cooking kits should help people survive the next few days of cold weather in the tents that have been set up. In addition to humanitarian aid, the partners have also been involved in search and rescue efforts. The Turkish local partner's rescue team, which has tracking dogs, was able to pull 16 people out of the rubble, including a child, thanks to rescue resources financed by Luxembourg. In Syria, the local partner used the heavy equipment it had at its disposal to rescue people.

Fares Al Safres from the Syrian humanitarian organisation SARD, a partner of Caritas Luxembourg, thanks the Luxembourg donors: "We have been able to save so many lives here, we are now responsible for ensuring that the survivors do not die of hunger or cold."

Indeed, around 2,500 people who have lost everything have been taken in charge thanks to Luxembourg funds in Northern Syria and now depend on humanitarian aid to survive.

Given the scale of the disaster, Caritas Luxembourg has sent a coordinator to the area with the aim of further strengthening Caritas Luxembourg's aid on the ground. The needs are immense.

Those who wish to help the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria can make a donation by transfer to the CCPL account IBAN LU34 1111 0000 2020 0000 with the mention "Earthquake" or by clicking here!

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