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Put on the street and excluded from the centres.

Friday 27 December 2019

Caritas Luxembourg, in its mission to help the most destitute and faithful to the human values that guide it in all its activities, is shocked that the authorities put people who have been refused asylum, but who present particular situations of vulnerability, on the streets in the middle of winter.

While maintaining that most people who have been refused asylum must accept return to their country of origin, aware that places in refugee centres are limited and that the dignified welcoming of new applicants for international protection remains a priority for the Luxembourg government, Caritas Luxembourg nevertheless considers that the re-examination of certain specific cases is necessary.In cases where voluntary return is possible, Caritas Luxembourg nevertheless defends the need for it to be carried out with respect for the safety and dignity of the person.

If these conditions are not met, the humanitarian organisation pleads for a rapid regularisation of exceptional situations so as not to leave the persons concerned in a precarious social and human situation.

At present, however, some rejected and vulnerable refugees are being thrown out of their refugee homes and left to their own devices. They do not have the capacity to take care of themselves and are therefore in great danger by finding themselves on the streets. The support provided to these people at the Caritas Luxembourg social service and the accompaniment provided in the refugee centres has enabled the Caritas Luxembourg teams to gain a detailed understanding of the difficult situation of these particularly vulnerable people and their extreme and permanent distress.

Caritas Luxembourg can only denounce this way of proceeding. Alerts have been made to the authorities, but have so far remained unanswered. Caritas Luxembourg asks the authorities for an exchange concerning the files in question.

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