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Detecting and protecting vulnerable migrants

Wednesday 20 October 2021

The 2021 national conference of EMN Luxembourg took place on September 30 and focused on the detection and protection of vulnerable migrants in the international protection procedure.


Watch the full 2021 EMN Luxembourg national conference below:


A first session, focusing on the European level, outlined the history of the concept of "vulnerability" and explained among other things how the detection of vulnerable applicants for international protection is organized in Belgium. Then, EMN Luxembourg presented the results of its inform entitled "Detection of vulnerabilities in the international protection procedure", giving an overview of the most common vulnerable groups. Finally, Anne Kayser from the Council of Europe concluded the first session by presenting their Action Plan.

A second session consisting of a panel discussion on the Luxembourg context brought together representatives from the Office National de l'Accueil, the Direction de l'Immigration, Caritas Luxembourg, as well as a lawyer specializing in migration and asylum in Luxembourg to discuss the achievements and challenges of the Luxembourg system.  The discussion covered topics such as the legal and procedural framework in Luxembourg, the transmission of information between the stakeholders involved, and the procedural guarantees applicable to vulnerable applicants for international protection.