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Thank you!

Thursday 18 August 2022

On this 19 August - World Humanitarian Day - we would like to pay special tribute to all those who make it possible for Caritas Luxembourg's humanitarian aid to reach the people who need help.

Many of the Caritas Luxembourg humanitarian workers work in very delicate contexts, whether under the Taliban regime in Afghanistan or in South Sudan where the environment remains risky despite the peace agreements signed, as the recent death of a staff member of a partner organisation sadly reminded us. Caritas Luxembourg humanitarian workers have to show a lot of tact and courage. Some of them are deployed in countries in conflict such as Syria, in Ukraine where even the insurance companies do not want to take the risk of insuring our staff or in Mali where the region where Caritas Luxembourg works has not been accessible for several weeks. Their safety is endangered on a daily basis. In 2022, with the war in Ukraine, the food shortage and the increasing famine in the world, the work is made even more difficult. We didn't think this was possible.  

Despite all these difficulties, the humanitarian workers of Caritas Luxembourg continue their work with great commitment and we thank them for that.

Thank you! Take care of yourselves!

On this day, we also think of all those who need humanitarian aid.

It is not easy to be in need and to have to ask for help. We do everything to ensure that our interventions respect the dignity of every human being.

Bon courage!


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