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Ukraine and Moldova

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine in February 2022, Caritas Luxembourg has been mobilised to assist people affected by the conflict, both in Ukraine and in Moldova.

Even today, the conflict in Ukraine seems far from leading to a lasting peace or an easing of tensions. In Ukraine, hostilities continue on a daily basis, causing widespread destruction, suffering and displacement for large sections of the population. According to the United Nations, more than 17 million people are still in need of urgent humanitarian aid and protection, and more than 5 million people are internally displaced.

In Ukraine, Caritas Luxembourg is first and foremost supporting the Ivano-Frankivsk region. Through several projects, it provides aid to internally displaced people, adults and children, who have found refuge there. Caritas Luxembourg has enabled the renovation and equipping of reception centres, in particular the renovation of roofs, the installation of solar panels for greater energy autonomy and the creation of areas dedicated to children. It also includes the distribution of food aid and school supplies for displaced Ukrainian children. In the Poltava region, Caritas Luxembourg recently helped to renovate and equip a geriatric centre specialising in the care of the elderly. It has also distributed medical equipment to several hospitals in the region. Secondly, as part of a consortium that brings together several other national Caritas organisations, Caritas Luxembourg is working to ensure that displaced people, returnees and other people affected by the conflict are actively involved in livelihood activities in order to improve their autonomy and the security of household livelihoods. In several regions of Ukraine, both in the south and in the north-east, Caritas Luxembourg has created family spaces in which displaced Ukrainian families can recharge their batteries, provided agricultural support in more rural areas, renovated and/or rebuilt many damaged individual homes, and built and equipped inclusive centres for displaced children with disabilities. Thanks to the generosity of its donors, Caritas Luxembourg also had the opportunity to distribute computer equipment (digital tablets) to several of its local partners so that they could continue their activities under better conditions.

As last year, this autumn 2023, Caritas Luxembourg has also been actively mobilised in several regions of the country, including those mentioned above, in order to support the population, whether rural or urban, in the face of the onset of winter, notably through the distribution of firewood or warm clothing. In general, Caritas Luxembourg is working to ensure that families affected by the war can overcome the crisis, that they have access to quality social services and that children's rights to education, integration and socialisation in local communities are guaranteed. Of course, these interventions also make it possible to keep a close eye on the needs of the most vulnerable people, both residents and internally displaced persons, and to ensure that their basic needs are covered.

After intervening at the border with Ukraine from the very first days of the conflict, Caritas Luxembourg mobilised heavily to support Ukrainians who had been taken in by Moldova. In Chisinau, Caritas Luxembourg continues to support the Fides reception centre and to provide material and psycho-social assistance to the refugee families living there. This assistance includes medical care, useful legal information, language courses to promote integration, food and sanitary items, as well as individual and group psychotherapeutic sessions for both children and adults. In the north of the country, in the Balti region, Caritas Luxembourg is working to promote the integration of young Ukrainian refugees, in particular through recreational activities, excursions and various training courses which bring together both young Ukrainians and young Moldovans. Caritas Luxembourg also finances a logistics centre which has been distributing hygiene and food packs as well as clothing to refugee families in the north of the country for many months.

Caritas Luxembourg would like to thank all the individuals, companies, foundations, associations, parishes, institutions and municipalities for their very generous support. Without their support, Caritas Luxembourg would not be able to help the people affected by the conflict in Ukraine and Moldova.

Some current donors:

  •     Fondation Caritas France
  •     Fondation Enovos, sheltered by Fondation de Luxembourg
  •     Deutscher Caritas Verband
  •     European Investment Bank (EIB)
  •     Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Cooperation and Foreign Trade



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