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Exclusion; précarité; rue; accompagnement social

Psycho-social support

The "Unité PSY" is involved in all Caritas Luxembourg activities, from services for homeless people to services for applicants for or beneficiaries of international/temporary protection.

In addition, since 2022, psychological assistance has been offered to Ukrainian refugees, both in the shelters and with host families. 100 hours of psychological work per week are devoted to Ukrainian refugees alone.

1,490 psychological consultations with users of Caritas Luxembourg services were carried out in 2023.


Work is carried out in networks with external partners such as the Centre Hospitalier Neuro-Psychiatrique d'Ettelbruck.

Team support

Part of the work consists of providing day-to-day support to the teams working in the field, in the various shelters and services, on all issues relating to mental health.

Ongoing training is also organised for Caritas Luxembourg staff. In 2023, first aid training in mental health/mental disorders and crisis management was organised for staff from several services, including Wanteraktioun staff and volunteers.

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