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Exclusion; intégration; sans-abri; spiritualité

A spiritual offer

Deprived or socially excluded people often have a deep spirituality or want to find greater spirituality.

To meet this need, Caritas Luxembourg regularly organises activities and meetings with a spiritual dimension, which are open to people of all faiths and backgrounds. These activities include the "Fratello" meeting with Pope Francis in Rome, which takes place once a year in November. Around 6,000 deprived people living in Europe take part in this event, which has included a delegation from Luxembourg since 2016.


I wasn't surprised to see the enthusiasm with which the Pope's call was greeted. Deprived and socially excluded people often have a deep spirituality or want to find greater spirituality, and it's an added value that Caritas Luxembourg can bring them, as well as material and social help." Fons Wagner, Honorary President of Caritas Accueil et Solidarité Asbl, trip organiser

I'm happy that I was able to greet Pope Francis in person. I was very moved when he took my hand in his, even though I'm not much of a believer. But I understood that it was an important moment in my life." George

I was a bit reluctant to go on this trip because of the spiritual side, as I'm not a believer. Now, looking back, I found this trip very interesting. I liked the cultural side and really appreciated the times that we spent together. There was a good atmosphere amongst us. As for the spiritual side, I haven't changed my position. What surprised me was the large number of people who had come to listen to the Pope." Agnès

Accompanying such a large group of people who generally live on the margins of society was a real challenge. Following a programme and living in a group was a real challenge for many of them, who were more used to living a solitary life. On the other hand, it showed them that they can live together, that they can be part of society, and in the end they all appreciated those four days that they spent in each other's company." Cristian Lopez, social educator at Caritas Accueil et Solidarité Asbl and manager of the social bar "Le Courage".

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