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UBUNTU rebounds

Launched in 2017, this project aims to support applicants for international protection (IPR) affected by the Dublin Regulation and accommodated at the SHUK (Structure d'Hébergement Urgent à Kirchberg). As a collaboration between Jesuit Refugee Services Luxembourg, Caritas Luxembourg and Reech eng Hand, with the support of the Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, this initiative concentrates on young adults, frequently the most vulnerable and traumatized, and offers them psychosocial support and personalized guidance.

The project, which started in December 2017, takes place both at the SHUK in Kirchberg and a new inviting space dedicated solely to the people affected by the Dublin Regulation. Called Carvansara Ubuntu, this place allows them to meet up and take a breath. Thanks to the active listening from the volunteers, the IPR can feel welcome in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Psychosocial and psychotherapeutic support is offered by a professional in the form of individual counseling and therapies. Sports and socio-cultural activities are also regularly organized outside.    


The objectives of the project are to improve access to information for people affected by the Dublin Regulation, to strengthen their resilience, their ability to make informed choices for their future, and to improve their quality of life by providing them with a space full of resources and constructive activities.

People are continuously informed both at the SHUK and at the Carvansara Ubuntu on issues related to their psychosocial well-being and referred to the "Accueil Social" service of Caritas Luxembourg where they are informed about the legal framework that regulates their situation. 

The people are also put in contact with humanitarian actors in the countries responsible for taking back the so-called "dublined" people. This project also tries to transform these contacts into a more formal network.  

Some beneficiaries who have undergone particularly traumatic events or whose exodus has already been going on for a while benefit from a brief therapeutical approach called "narrative exposure therapy" where they are invited to share their stories by writing a diary.  


To ensure good hospitality, the team, about ten volunteers, is supervised, supported, and trained on an ongoing basis. This helps to create and maintain a welcoming atmosphere of open ears within the Carvansara Ubuntu.

Public awareness is raised through the involvement of university students by publishing articles of their research on the IPR subject.

And as UBUNTU expands, the project is also looking for volunteers to work at an additional location.

Curious or interested? Please contact the person in charge at the address below:


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