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1 Lunch Pass given = 1 person in need in Luxembourg helped!

Wednesday 29 June 2022

As of July 1, employees of Sodexo's client companies will find a flyer in their lunch voucher envelope explaining the action in favour of disadvantaged families in Luxembourg as well as a pre-stamped envelope addressed to Caritas Luxembourg.

Beneficiaries of Sodexo Lunch Pass card (electronic meal vouchers) will also have the possibility to make donations by paying directly with their card on the Caritas Luxembourg website.

Any Lunch Pass donated and returned to Caritas Luxembourg, as well as all donations made with the Sodexo Lunch Pass card on the Caritas Luxembourg website, will contribute to enabling families affected by poverty to have access to the "Caritas Buttek" social grocery shops. In addition to food aid, these social grocery shops are also places of welcome, listening and sharing. Many thanks in advance for your contribution!


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