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Caritas Luxembourg requirements for the 2023 legislative elections

Thursday 30 June 2022

The proposals are the result of intense internal reflection in which Caritas Luxembourg has tried to bring together the experience of its staff who are in daily contact with the most vulnerable people in our society and who see where the problem lies and what could be done to improve the situation of all these people.

Among the challenges to be addressed in the coming years there are

  • poverty and inequality   
  • homelessness and housing exclusion   
  • access to affordable housing   
  • in-work poverty   
  • child poverty   
  • asylum, migration and integration policy   
  • international cooperation   
  • climate policythe digital gap and sustainable digitalisation

As they are based on experience on the field, most of the measures are very pragmatic, very targeted and can be put in place in a rather reasonable timeframe, to quickly relieve people in need who - let's not forget - are suffering now and need to have an answer now.

The document is available below.