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Get involved for people in need

Friday 19 April 2024

Caritas Luxembourg is currently looking for a wide range of volunteers:

Caritas Luxembourg is currently looking for a wide range of volunteers:

Volunteering at the Centre Ulysse:

The Caritas Accueil et Solidarité Ulysse centre is an emergency shelter open all year round. It accommodates homeless people as long as there are vacant beds. A multidisciplinary team offers personalised psycho-socio-educational support to all those accommodated. Due to redevelopment work, the Centre Ulysse has been moved to temporary premises in Luxembourg-Findel.

We are looking for people who can provide these residents with the essential human touch that characterises voluntary work. Volunteers need to have a sense of human contact and warmth. We are thinking of activities such as

  • Board games
  • Trips into town
  • Trips to the shopping centre
  • Going to the hairdresser
  • Walks in the forest
  • Reading newspapers
  • Conversation
  • For women: wellness activities (manicure, pedicure)
  • Internet work (reading, video, CV writing)

This voluntary work will help to combat social exclusion. The language required is Luxembourgish and/or French. Times to be agreed, daily mornings or afternoons.


  1. Dudelange: help with German, French and maths for 2 children in 5th year primary and 7th year secondary school
  2. Hellange: help in German for one child (6th year primary)
  3. Ettelbruck: a volunteer who offers conversation and practice in the French language for an adult person.
  4. Ettelbruck: a volunteer who is capable and interested to go on walking trips and make conversation with an old person. If possible twice a week for two to three hours. Respect and listening skills are essential. English language.
  5. Mersch: a volunteer for homework help and school support for a girl of twelve years, especially in maths and German. Tuesday and/or Thursday afternoon. The volunteer should speak French, Luxembourgish and German.
  6. Mersch : support in German for an Eritrean boy of 7 years
  7. Mersch: help for a 30-year-old woman who needs support in learning French, mainly speaking. She is at A1.1 level and needs individual support
  8. Differdange: a volunteer for a 37-year-old woman who needs help learning French. She is at A1.2 level.
  9. Differdange:  a volunteer to help a 44-year-old Syrian man learn French on Friday mornings.
  10. Differdange: a volunteer to help with schoolwork for a 7-year-old girl, cycle 2.1, at the end of the day.

If you have any questions, please contact:


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