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Exclusion, sans-abri; motivation; football


Since 2008, Caritas Luxembourg has given homeless people the opportunity to take part in "StreetFoot".

Football training sessions allow them to break free from their isolation and meet other people to do sport, form bonds, become team-mates, exchange views and share moments far away from their problems. The aim is also to instil values that may be useful to them, such as respect, punctuality, self-confidence and team spirit. By participating in these training sessions and local and international tournaments, such as the "Homeless World Cup", homeless people regain a positive self-image and are made ready to rebuild their lives.

Since 2021, the "CollecDiff" Streetwork service has taken over this activity in an "all public" setting.

From the beginning of April until the end of September, training sessions take place every Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm on the field of the International School, 8, rue Ernest Dolibois, L-4573 Differdange.

A number of participations in various national tournaments have been organised.

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