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Caritas Luxembourg started to be active in Kosovo in 1998, mainly through emergency aid until the end of the Kosovo war in 1999, after which the rehabilitation phase started.

In close collaboration with a local NGO, the Foundation Kosovo Luxembourg, which was created by Caritas Luxembourg in 2014 to ensure the sustainability of previous projects and to continue the implementation of new projects, and with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg, Caritas Luxembourg supports the sustainability of community development and the increase of employment opportunities for the residents of the target municipalities by providing income generation opportunities for individuals, businesses and communities. The projects aim to strengthen the self-reliance of Kosovo residents and the reintegration of vulnerable and marginalised people. The staff of FKL is composed of both ethnicities (Albanian and Serbian) and implements its activities in the southern part (majority inhabited by Albanians) and in the northern part of Kosovo (majority inhabited by Serbs).

Key activities include Income Generating Activities (IGAs), which aim to reduce poverty and high unemployment rates by implementing strategies and activities tailored to the needs of individuals and enterprises. Simultaneously, special attention is devoted to strengthening local authorities in order to enhance their skills and expertise for future projects and business initiatives. By shifting the economy from informal to formal channels, IGA has created the basis for a more competitive and legal business environment. As a result, beneficiaries of IGA kits will have to register their businesses and pay taxes and other contributions.

In addition to the activities of the IGA, Caritas Luxembourg is committed to community development, which is defined as the strengthening of the autonomy and self-management of local communities. In this sense, communities are supported in developing the skills and infrastructure necessary for their autonomous functioning. The objective of the project is that the communities acquire the capacity to become active citizens in order to better identify their needs and to manage their own resources in a sustainable, autonomous and self-reliant manner. To achieve this goal, the projects implement a comprehensive and inclusive bottom-up approach throughout the activities to ensure the engagement and participation of citizens in improving social processes and economic development.

Since the start of the last mandate in 2023, climate-positive initiatives have also been supported by targeting climate-positive proposals among community development projects or for income-generating activities.

People who wish to support Caritas projects in Kosovo - and more broadly all the activities of Caritas Luxembourg - can do so by making a donation by transfer to the account (CCPL) IBAN LU34 1111 0000 2020 0000 or directly below.

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