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Campagne fin d'année 2022

A warm winter

Monday 28 November 2022

With the war in Ukraine still showing no sign of abating and the situation already dramatic for the millions of Ukrainians who have been forced to flee their homes, the approaching winter season does not bode well. Winters in Ukraine are particularly harsh and in some parts of the country it is not uncommon for temperatures to drop to -20 degrees Celsius. Faced with these difficult conditions, the Ukrainian displaced and refugees need your help.

Millions of people are living in precarious conditions, in temporary shelters, in damaged houses, without heating. Others, who had found a flat to rent after fleeing, can no longer afford to pay their rent as their savings have been depleted in recent months.

Since the beginning of the hostilities, we have been supporting people who are refugees or displaced by the conflict. Shelters, food parcels, medicines, psychological and financial support, rehabilitation of housing,... we are doing our utmost to ensure that the victims of the crisis, both in Ukraine and in neighbouring Moldova, receive valuable humanitarian aid.

Unfortunately, in the current context, the costs of food, electricity and gas are likely to rise even higher in the coming weeks. Your help is therefore needed more than ever so that we can continue to help those in need. With Christmas and the festive season approaching, please do something today and help us to help the victims of the conflict in Ukraine.

Icone Alimentation Bébés Nappies, powdered milk and baby food : 20 €

icone alimentation A food package and a hygiene kit: 40 €

icone hebergement Accommodation and meals in a hostel for 10 days: 75 €

icone matelas A mattress, a blanket and a pillow: 134 €


Marina, Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine)

At first we thought it was thunder and lightning. Then we realised it was bombing. We gathered the children, took blankets and pillows and left."

Marina_UkraineOn the day the war started, Marina, her husband and their three children were living in Mykolayev in southern Ukraine. At the time, Marina was pregnant with their fourth child. They fled in a hurry when the bombing started, leaving almost everything they owned behind. Because of the stress and hardship of the journey, Marina suffered severe complications in her pregnancy and had to be hospitalised. Her husband thought he was going to lose them both. Fortunately, Marina fought back and she and her son David are now healthy. They now live in Ivano-Frankivsk in western Ukraine, where Caritas Luxembourg helps them pay the rent for their home. Marina also receives nappies and milk for her youngest son.

Svetlana, Balti (Moldavie)

The journey to Moldova was long and difficult. During the wait to cross the border, the worst thing was the cold."

Svetlana, 32, comes from Odessa, in southern Ukraine. She has two daughters, aged 4 and 14. In early March, two rockets fell near their flat, on a building and a kindergarten. Staying there had become too risky. Svetlanaa decided to flee with her children. The number of people trying to cross the border was unimaginable and the journey was very hard. Everywhere, buildings were destroyed and people were desperate to escape. Today, although they are safe, her youngest daughter is still traumatised by what she saw and experienced. She has nightmares, jumps up and down and cries at the slightest noise. Thanks to the support of Caritas Luxembourg, she can regularly see a psychologist who tries to help her overcome her trauma.

Mikhail et Olena, Sloboda (Ukraine)

The soldiers looted everything, demolished everything. And when they finally left the house, they destroyed what they couldn't take away."

Mikhail & Olena_UkraineMikhail and Olena are raising their 6-year-old grandson Ivan alone. From the first days of the occupation, Russian soldiers took possession of their house. All they had was the cellar, where the three of them stayed for over a month. During the hostilities, their house was repeatedly damaged by mine explosions and tank fire. They lost many friends and neighbours. After the liberation, their grandson Ivan could hardly speak. He was afraid to leave the house, had lost his appetite and sleep. Thanks to the support of Caritas Luxembourg, the walls and part of the roof of their house were repaired, the windows and the front door were replaced and a new stove was installed. The whole property has also been cleared of mines. Ivan is getting better every day..

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